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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

'My Choice' Female Vs Male version of Deepika Padukone's Video

Mumbai: Deepika Padukone has been grabbing headlines with a video that is part of an initiative of a fashion magazine. The video titled 'My Choice' aims to bring awareness to the cause of women's rights across the country.

Directed by Homi Adjania, who worked with Deepika in films like 'Finding Fanny' and 'Cocktail', the video features 98 other women, including Adjania’s wife, film critic Anupama Chopra, actress Nimrat Kaur and director Zoya Akhtar. The fashion magazine is also selling merchandise based on the empowerment theme.
Official Female Version Video:

A viewer has gone ahead released a male version of the clip which is a response to Deepika's original empowerment video. This unofficial male version features no prominent faces unlike the previous one and is a montage of famous Hollywood actors like Oscar Isaac and Ansel Elgort. The voice over is done in a similar tone with black and white visuals however it ends with a strong message.

Unofficial Male Version Video:

#MyChoice #DeepkiaPadukone #VogueEmpower

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