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Thursday 3 July 2014

Five Major Reasons Why Chocolate Is Healthy!

Although it appears to be too good to be true, chocolates have some serious health benefits. It is a general notion that chocolate is not good for health as it leads to developing tooth cavity & increases weight. Chocolate is made from cocoa tree, cocoa beans that contain cocoa flavonoids. Flavonoids act as antioxidants which protect our body from the ill effects of free radicals including aging, heart disease etc. Flavonoids also help reduce blood pressure as it helps in the production of nitric oxide and helps balancing hormones secretion.

Here are some of the health benefits of chocolate:


Chocolates contain flavonoids. Flavonoids protect cells from harmful molecules—called free radicals—that are produced when the body breaks down food or is exposed to sunlight or smoke. Free radicals can cause cell damage that leads to heart disease. So due to the presence of flavonoids in chocolates, chocolates are very good for heart as it prevents heart disease.


Dark chocolate is very beneficial for brain as it helps improve blood flow to the brain. The presence of phenylethylamine in dark chocolate has a similar effect as that of the endorphins hormone. One gets a similar sense of feeling after eating dark chocolate as one gets when he or she falls in love. Therefore, in short eating chocolates makes you happy and relaxes your brain.


Dark chocolate plays a very important role in keeping healthy blood vessels in the body and improves blood circulation which is vital in the protection against type 2 diabetes (adult-onset diabetes). Again the presence of flavonoids as discussed earlier in the chocolates also plays an important role in regulating the insulin resistance and proper and efficient utilization of insulin.


People fear, that if they eat chocolates, there are chances of cavities in tooth. But this notion has to be changed; dark chocolate contains theobromine in it. Theobromine helps a lot in hardening the tooth enamel which thereby reduces the risk of getting cavities provided you are practicing proper dental care and hygiene. Theobromine is not as strong as caffeine but it is a very gentle stimulant. It even helps in suppressing coughs.


Dark chocolate is quite rich in minerals and vitamins which help in stabilizing the health of a person. Some of the major minerals and vitamins present in very high amounts: Magnesium, which helps in preventing high blood pressure, heart disease and type2 diabetes; Copper and potassium present in dark chocolate help prevent against cardiovascular ailments and also aids preventing strokes; iron content in chocolate provides protection against iron deficiency anemia.


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